Truckers and shippers rank empty miles among their worst pet peeves. A loaded truck is a profitable one, and when your truck isn’t loaded, you need to make money. Deadhead miles reduce your ROI in addition to wearing down your equipment and releasing damaging greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
Most importantly, deadheading is risky since you have a far higher chance of collision while operating an empty trailer due to the drastic change in weight distribution. This article discusses how Freight Brokers like Lot Logistics can help you reduce empty trucking miles.
Causes of Deadhead in Trucking
The reasons for Deadhead in Trucking: Empty miles develop due to convoluted routes, which increases inefficiency and unbalances shipment flow.
When shipping facilities are widely spread or otherwise performing below par, there is an imbalance in the flow of shipments. Due to this, it is challenging to reconcile high outbound load demands with incoming cargo.
More significant working capital reserves allow larger fleets to invest in route optimization technology, while smaller carriers may need more visibility to design waste-free routes. It’s not hopeless, though.
How Freight Brokers Can Help Reduce Trucking Miles
Working directly with shippers as a carrier means you will have to accept whatever the shipper offers you in exchange for their business. This frequently requires carrying more loads than you may be comfortable with, which raises the likelihood of empty miles if you require additional connections to get more loads.
However, when you work with Freight Brokers, you can select the cargo you wish to transfer without being obligated to move anything else. Using a Freight Broker can be like grocery shopping, a la carte—You can browse the selection, choosing only the items that are absolutely required, and leaving the rest.
You should limit yourself to two of those loads. No issue. Our experienced Freight Brokers in Mississauga will make arrangements so that all you have to do is accept the loads in the lanes and time slots most suitable for you. Other than fulfilling those loads, you owe the Freight Broker nothing else.
Advantages Freight Broker Offers
Working with Freight Brokers also makes it significantly less necessary for you to hire new sales associates to locate cargo for you to haul. A Freight Broker already has connections with quality, experienced shippers that will prove advantageous to your company’s requirements.
You don’t need to build up these relationships from scratch because we know our shipping partners’ supply chains, making it seamless to match their demands with your capabilities, lanes, and timelines.
Experienced Freight Brokers Based in Toronto
Contact our experienced team at Lot Logistics so we can match you with loads suitable to you, to decrease empty miles, get access to new channels, or boost profitability.